Example of a Generous Heart

2003 August

Created by Tricia Dealy 13 years ago
I remember, while I was raising support to be on full time staff with Campus Crusade for Christ, standing in the driveway of my parents' home in Kansas. I was on the phone with Haley, who was also raising support to be on full time staff. We had talked previously about the "difficulties" of her decision to join full time staff with Campus Crusade because the state of North Carolina would now not pay her college tuition like they would if she had become a math teacher in the state of North Carolina. This had created a little friction between Haley and her parents, and everyone was trying to understand where everyone else was coming from. I remember that day while I was pacing the driveway, Haley told me that Jim decided to pay off Haley's school loan for her. I remember thinking how completely generous and humble this gift was... especially because Jim was still learning more about Haley's decision to join full time staff and what it meant for her life and why the decision was so important to her. It was such an overwhelming gift to show love and provision to Haley, I have always remembered it. I will always remember him as a man of sacrificial provision who loved his family deeply.